Caddell & Chapman successfully represented the family of a young girl in a products liability lawsuit against an international electronics corporation. The lawsuit alleged that an electronic appliance failed and caused a house fire. The fire had started in a children’s bedroom, and a young girl sleeping on a top bunk received terrible second and third degree burn injuries to roughly one-third of her body. The product manufacturer agreed that the fire began in the child’s room but claimed that the fire could not have started as the family claimed. Hiring a team of experts and investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into the case, Caddell & Chapman conducted a thorough investigation of the fire and the appliance at issue. The law firm’s work included two full-scale burn tests to prove its theory of how the fire started. Such testing required re-creation of the children’s room with precise measurements and the purchase of comparable furniture appliances, clothing, opening (door and window), and other materials. With nine cameras monitoring the room, the firm and its experts started the fire at the appliance under scrutiny and watched as the fire spread through the room as had been observed by witnesses. Soon after completion of these tests, the electronics manufacturer settled for more than it had paid on any prior personal injury claim, netting the firm’s clients $1,775,000. (Note: Under terms of the settlement, the firm cannot identify or allude to the name of the electronics company.)

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